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Some things I've written



'Voluncheer' matching app

Researched and iteratively designed the voice chart, UI copy, interaction design, and visual design for a fictional app that matches budding volunteers with their ideal volunteer match as part of my MA in UX Design.

Techniques / skills: Design thinking - Defining user needs - User interviews - Affinity mapping - Personas -

Competitor / comparator analyses - Style guide/voice chart creation - Microcopy (incl. CTAs, hint text, onboarding screens, empty states) - Wireframing - Prototyping - Usability testing - Content-specific testing 

Voluncheer video case study and walkthrough.png


online dating.PNG

Online dating - using content design to keep people safe

Suggested content design improvements to GOV.UK's 'Online dating: what to look out for' guidance page. (Content not live)

Techniques / skills: Defining user needs - Accessibility - Readability - Front loading - Active > passive voice - Conversational writing - Applying a style guide


Healthcare push notifications and landing page redesign

Suggested push notification designs for healthcare information and content design improvements to the Bupa Dental landing page (original unavailable). (Content not live)

Techniques / skills: Defining user needs - Accessibility - Readability - Front loading - Tone/voice - CTAs - User journey mapping 

Push notification.PNG
Cover pic.png


Kindshare – connecting people who’d like some help
with people who’d like to give it


Designed the visual style and content for a fictional volunteer matching service website as part of my MA in UX Design.  

Techniques / skills: Defining user needs - User research – - Prototyping – Information architecture – Accessibility - Readability - Front loading - Tone/voice - CTAs - User journey mapping 

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